With the Holiday season comes stress. Do your children feel the added tension? Yes!! It has been my experience that children do mirror back what they feel. When you don't have enough time, they feel your haste. When your day is overloaded with events, chores and errands you may notice your child is more irritable and clingy (and resistant to sleep). Take extra care during this Holiday season to nurture yourself and your family. Don't overbook yourself. Do go to bed early (or at least on time). Do take some time to spend one on one with your partner. Make it your goal to turn away from technology as much as possible. Spend time talking with, and being with your children and loved ones. Toddlers are especially vulnerable to this busy season, so make sure you are meeting their sleep needs. Good sleep keeps all of us happy and healthy. Besides sleep, slaying well means limiting sugar and alcohol, and eating healthfully.
Enjoy this special season!